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What is the Biofield?

Hear from Biophysicist Beverly Rubik who helped the NIH come up with the term...

Learn More About Biofield Science 

Chemistry is guided by energy. Even something as fundamental as the difference between life and death is a question of the biological energy field. There is no sudden change in body chemistry at the instant of death. We see the change in the EKG of the heart's energy field and the EEG of the brain's energy field.

If the difference between life and death can only be understood in terms of the biofield, to transform our medicine from the manipulation and management of symptoms through introduction of novel, patentable toxins to a true science of healing, we must first and foremost begin to thing in terms of the health, function, and purpose of the biofield. 

As Albert Einstein put it, “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” And as Albert Szent-Györgyi asked, “How does energy control life? We don’t know that. We often even forget to ask such questions blinded by our successes.” The commercial success of pharmaceutical medicine is a particularly devastating cause of spiritual blindness in medicine and science. Yet, a few of us dare to ask the right questions, seeking the eternal values to be found in the beauty of truth, and the growth and development of the immortal soul that comes with nurturing true healing of the bio-body suit.

With this paradigm shift comes the realization that we do not know the limits of our healing potential. We can only discover what is possible by trying. We see healing of a full range of supposedly 'irreversible' conditions, and it is often in elderly clients who have suffered with these conditions for decades under the standard model.

To begin to wrap your mind around the breadth and depth of the emerging field of Biofield Science, a good foundation can be gained by reading these articles from the National Library of Medicine:

Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts

Biofield Physiology: A Framework for an Emerging Discipline

And here is a two-part series that explores the realm of frequencies:

Frequencies: Unearthing the Mysteries of Life

Frequency Medicine Devices: Wacky or Worthy?

All of our clients who are reversing clinically irreversible conditions at any age have two things in common:

1. They are taking Functional Formulations™ that demonstrate a therapeutic effect on their Biofield Coherence™.

2. They are implementing tools and strategies to enhance the energy field of the body's environment.

For a sampling of the feedback we are receiving with our system of Accelerated Self Healing, visit:


And for an introduction to our Clinical Theory & Praxis, visit:




Experience These Exclusive Techniques

Biofield Analysis

The Biofield is the preferred scientific term for the biological energy field of the body according to the National Institutes of Health. We have developed our proprietary system of Biofield Analysis over the last 38 years based primarily on German Diagnostic Electroacupuncture, but incorporating many other modalities as well... With a remote scan we can tell you what you are attempting to heal in real time, and what missing natural materials, quantum energies and epigenetic information will support a coherence zone in time and space for about a month in your body in which you will be able to reverse approximately 1 year of degenerative and aging related changes.

Functional Formulations

We create our own Functional Formulations and supply them in special biophotonic glass that maintains their integrity and potency far beyond other materials. We use no excipients, no phthalates, no artificial or unspecified colorings or flavorings, no synthetic preservatives, no stearates, no fillers... We do use optimum form minerals, active coenzyme form vitamins, high potency botanical extracts, and often include dozens of synergistic ingredients in our Functional Formulations. Our research shows that 85% of healing is the body's response to the quantum signature and information content of Energetically Correct remedies, while only 15% is the direct chemical or nutritive effect. 

Accelerated Self Healing

Healing is the ongoing biological process of cleansing and repair. When tissue experiences damage from trauma, cicatrization knits the wound together, but leaves scar tissue. Scar tissue is not as strong as the original design, and it contracts over time, restricting the flow of circulation, nerve information, and the flow of electrical energy and bulk toxin flow along the acupuncture meridians and vessels of the extracellular space or connective tissue matrix, which is the home to every cell. These weakened backwater areas accumulate toxins and debris, potentially becoming the loci of degeneration including cancer. This all begins to reverse when healing is optimized by supporting coherence in the entire biofield.

Hear What Others Are Saying...

“You really helped me when I had the supposedly incurable Sjogren’s Syndrome.”

Joy Gardner

Author of Healing Yourself

"Mr. DeCosta has had dramatic improvement in his vision despite having had wet macular degeneration... I appreciate all of the work that you did..."

Bruce Ballon, M.D.

Harvard-Trained Retinologist

© Copyclaim 2023

Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.